Miriam ConnollyIf Marilyn Can Enjoy Ulysses by James Joyce…Are You up for the Challenge?How to spin Ulysses into something that entertains and makes you look like a true Joycean Scholar.Jul 4, 20223Jul 4, 20223
Miriam ConnollyDear Writers: Do Not Fear ChatGPTHow to Out-Write the Robot and Stay Original!Feb 4, 202310Feb 4, 202310
Miriam ConnollyRun Away with ‘The Night Circus’ and Make 2024 a Year of MagicImagined by the Author — Designed in CanvaDec 28, 20235Dec 28, 20235
InFiction ShortsbyMiriam ConnollyConan the GrammarianThe random word of the day is FACULTYMar 19, 202415Mar 19, 202415
InFiction ShortsbyMiriam ConnollyThe Scribbler’s GuideThe random word of the day is DICTIONARYApr 5, 202412Apr 5, 202412
InFiction ShortsbyMiriam ConnollyUnaccustomed As I Am…The random word of the day is CUSTOMApr 21, 20243Apr 21, 20243
InFiction ShortsbyMiriam ConnollyConan’s Quantum LeapThe random word of the day is TREMBLEApr 21, 202414Apr 21, 202414
InFiction ShortsbyMiriam ConnollyConfusion Strikes…The random word of the day is <<necessary>>May 20, 202423May 20, 202423
Miriam ConnollyThe Whole Sh*t and CaboodleThe True Tale of Jack and his ClanJun 30, 20243Jun 30, 20243
InFiction ShortsbyMiriam ConnollyI Dreamt I Had Writer’s BlockThe random word today is ‘police’ with a twistAug 5, 202421Aug 5, 202421